суббота, 4 ноября 2017 г.

Writing Comprehension Test for 11th   Form Students

1.     A famous leader once wrote, “A nation forgetful and disrespectful of its
      past has no future, and deserves none”. Do you agree with the quote?
·        What were the chief events of our history?
·        Who of the Ukrainians in your opinion served the nation immensely or made the nation?
·        How do you estimate Ukraine’s position in the world at present?
·        Do the young people of the 21st century deserve the future?

         2.  Art is the signature of civilization. How have the ‘signatures of
      civilization’ changed for centuries?
·        What culture did the man create many centuries ago?
·        What artistic trend do you find the most inspiring for you? Can you clearly see or understand the message of artists of this trend?
·        What do you think of the modern 20th and 21st century art? What ideas are put into it?
·         Does the modern art reflect our civilization?

2.     It is commonly known that sport is something that needs
      physical effort and is good for your health.
·        What are the pros and cons of doing sports? Which sport do you think is the best for health?
·        What sports are the most popular nowadays? Why? Who of  the world  sportsmen in your opinion has succeeded in making the most exciting and unbelievable career?
·        What were the initial ideas of holding the Olympic Games? Why are they still very popular?
·        Is Ukraine ready to host such a great sporting event as Euro-2012?  What can help to do it successfully? What are the chances of our footballers to win the European football championship?
                          Speaking Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students

1.      The Internet is changing so fast that the things we talk about today are outdated by
§  What advantages do people take using the Internet?
§  What are your predictions for tomorrow’s Web?
§  What do young people usually use the Internet for?
§  Does the Net do any harm either mental or physical to its users?

2.      British scientists have proved that the most effective means of resistance to stress is
§   Do you agree with the results of the test?
§   What factors do you think make reading so effective in reducing stress?
§   Is reading your hobby? If you are in no mood for fun and work, what book(s) do you usually read?
§  Are you often under strain? What are your ways to cope with stress?

     3. You do realize how important mothers are.
§  What are your mother’s outstanding characteristic(s)?
§  Is your mother your role model? Do you take after her?
§  Do you take any responsibilities at home to help your mother? How often do you do your household chores?
§  Do you celebrate Mother’s Day in your family? What makes this holiday special?

  1. Everyone  knows that bad weather can depress you.
  1. Some percent of city dwellers leave urban areas and start living in the countryside.
  •  Are you a person whose telephone constantly rings?
  • Do you prefer using a mobile phone to a stationary one?
  • What are the advantages of having a mobile phone?
  • Do you agree with the researchers who say that phones intrude into our lives too much?

§  Does bad weather depress you? Do you feel happy when it’s sunny?
§  What kind of  weather do you really like and dislike?
§  Has a change of weather ever made an impact on your behaviour, deeds or lifestyle?
§  What businesses or industries are affected by the weather? How?

§  What motivates them to change their lifestyle?
§  Do you share their beliefs?
§  Why on the contrary do so many people want to live in cities rather than in towns or villages?
§  Do you think urbanization has a positive or negative impact on societies? Why?

     6.  How do people in the UK spend their time? According to National Statistics Online, the
          answer is sleeping, working and watching TV.
§  What are your daily activities? Which of them do you love/hate doing?
§  Do you think the answer of  Ukrainian respondents to the question will differ?
§  What is your favourite pastime at weekends?
§  What should we do to use our time reasonably?

    7. Nowadays many people use e-mail for their communication needs.
§  Are you used to writing e-mail messages? Is it an efficient and easy way for teenagers to keep in contact?
§  Who do you usually write e-mails to?
§  Are there any rules about sending or writing e-mails?
§  Is in general communication on the Web for you? Do you find this means of communication enjoyable and convenient?

  8. Does the telephone rule your life?
Have you ever ignored a phone call or is it an ordinary thing for you  to do it? Do you hang up on people who are really annoying?

    9.  All’s well that ends well.
§  How does this saying concern you, a schoolleaver?
§  What is your daily routine? Has your daily routine changed since you became an 11th form student?
§  Are your still in search of your future profession or have you made a firm decision to become a lawyer, an architect or some other professional?
§  What actions do you take now and what personal qualities do you possess to be a successful person and a qualified professional in the future?

   10. Thomas Paine, the famous American writer, said, “It is within our power to begin the
               world again”.
§  Do you agree with the quote? Is it possible to change anything in our country or in the world?
§  What do you think we should change and why?
§  Can you as a teenager improve our world?
§  How would you encourage people to be more optimistic about the world we live in?

    11. Adverts are everywhere.
§  What do they usually advertise? Where are they put?
§  Do adverts influence you? Do most adverts give any useful information?
§  What adverts do you prefer? What does a successful advert imply?
§  Is advertising a huge industry to make you spend your money?

   12. Music lives in the smallest part of the universe. It brings life to everything around us.
§  What does music mean to you? Does music reflect a certain period in your life?
§  Is music for all people or can only a sensitive and delicate soul feel it?
§  Is music a universal language? Is your mood connected with particular music?
§  In your opinion, what music is immortal?

    13.  Healthy life is one of the most discussed  issues now.
§  What does healthy life imply?
§  What problems/situations/factors can affect our lives?
§  What do you personally do to lead a healthy life? Is it difficult or easy?
§  Do you need to make any changes in your lifestyle, habits or hobbies in order to be healthy?

     14. Football is considered to be the most popular sport in Ukraine.
§  What makes football so popular with both children and adults? Do you like football?
§  Who in your opinion is the best footballer in the world? Is he an actor with a global audience?
§  Do you like Ukrainian football?
§  Do you think football is a billion-dollar international business at present?

     15. Imagine a youth club of your school holds a conference on literature.
            The  theme of the conference is “ Are literary heroes your role models?”
§  Do you think the theme of the conference is vital?
§  Who was your favourite fairy tale hero in early childhood? Why?
§  What childhood books influenced you most?
§  What literary hero can you consider to be your role model?

     16. Each country is famous for its outstanding statesmen, writers, sportsmen, scientists,
               musicians, etc.
§  What famous Englishmen/women do you know? Who of them do you think was the most influentional?
§  What was his/her occupation? What makes his/her personality outstanding?
§  What did he/she do for his country?
§  Was he/she involved in improving the English society or the world?

   17. Travel broadens the mind. Imagine you have an opportunity to go to any country
                      you’d like to visit.
§  What country would you travel to? Why?
§  What activities would you enjoy in this country? Do you think your knowledge of English will help in it?
§   Where would you like to stay? Who would you travel to this country with?
§   What season would be preferable for your travel?

       18.  You are to make a project about Ukraine. The target of the project is to inform teenagers
               from European countries about your Motherland.
§  What themes do you think the project will include - geography, culture, social life or any other?
§  What colours or patterns will you use to make your project colourful and symbolic?
§  Pictures of what will the project contain? What melody will make the background music to your project?
§  What five sightseeing places will you present in your project? What cultural information would you provide the European teenagers with?
      19. The level of medical care today is much higher than it was in the past.
§  In your opinion, what is the biggest medical advancement that has been made in the last one hundred years?
§  In contrast, what is the biggest medical problem currently facing the world?
§  Have you or someone you know ever benefitted from a high level of medical care? Describe the case.
§  Do you believe that the ability to treat people effectively is the result of the acquired skills or is it an inborn gift?

          20. In his “ Moral Perfection, Autobiography” Benjamin Franklin tells about 13 virtues
                  which everyone should acquire to be happy. The 1st virtue he mentions is temperance
                    which he interprets as “ Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation”.
§  Do you agree that eating and drinking are just for living not for enjoyment?
§  What are your eating habits? What eating habits does your family have?
§  Do you eat junk food? Why is it so popular with the young Ukrainians?
§  If you could borrow eating habits from some other country, which one would it be? Why?